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    Allow me to provide an update for those who have inquired about the publication of Addison by a traditional publisher. As of early February 2024 I crossed the 12,500-books-sold threshold. That is a combination of audiobooks, softcover-on-demand, ebooks, and Kindle unlimited page reads (total page reads divided by 740—the page count of each volume). 

    As an unpublished writer seeking to publish a 1000-page first novel, I generated zero interest when I first approached literary agents several years ago. Since August I have been trying again and still cannot generate even a response, much less induce an agent to actually read the novel.

   Apparently in answer to a question, a published author said: "Selling 10,000 books as a self-publisher? About as likely as being attacked by a shark right after you win the lottery." Obviously he was speaking hyperbolically, but how do you think that author would translate his remarks into actual odds: least? One percent of manuscripts are acquired by publishers, or 1-in-100. So I believe Addison True has proven itself worthy of being one of the 1-in-100, but it needs someone in a position of influence to champion it.

    Thank you to all readers, especially those who have written some very complimentary reviews. If any of you has an uncle who is an agent, a sister-in-law who is in book publishing, or a sibling who knows someone famous, please tell them about Addy and see if you can persuade them to read it. The combination of sales, comments on Amazon, and its ratings are indicative of a publishable book, one that not only can find an audience but has found one. It just needs some sort of push over the top. Thanks again to all who have read Addison True



                    Addison True

This epic saga of the West follows Addy's adventures across the American frontier: Gold Rush California, leading a winter-trapped wagon train down the eastern Sierra, pioneering a stagecoach route through Apache country, sheriff in Leavenworth during Bloody Kansas days, a station keeper on the Pony Express in Nebraska Territory, a spy for Grant at Vicksburg, and more. Heir to Lonesome Dove, Addison True is good old-fashioned storytelling at its best. 



This collection of 23 true-life, non-fiction stories are mostly profiles of colorful characters who still inhabit the West of our collective imagination.  Audio book and Ebook.




The classic tale of the Tortoise and the Hare is reimagined in this action-packed tale of risk and reward. Illustrated children's eBook.

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